Erol Gelenbe FACM, FIEEE, FIET, FRSS, FIFIP, Professor in the Institute of Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, pioneer in performance evaluation of ICT, invented G-Networks and Random Neural Networks, and applied them to Quality of service (QoS), Energy Consumption, and Cybersecurity, graduating 95 PhDs. Fellow of the National Academy of Technologies of France (2008), Royal Academy of Science, Arts and Letters of Belgium (2015), Science Academies of Poland (2013) and Turkey (2012), Honorary Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2010) and Islamic World Academy of Sciences (2022), he held the Dennis Gabor Chair (2004-2019) at Imperial College as Head (2004-2016) of Intelligent Systems and Networks (ISN). The UK's 2014 Research Excellence Framework, ranked the EEE Department 1st in the UK, and ranked Erol's ISN Group top in EEE, for world leading outputs. He was Head of Electrical and Computer Eng'g (1993-98), Duke University, and Director, School of Electrical Eng'g and Computer Science, University of Central Florida (1998-2003) . At INRIA (1972-93), he created the team that developed the commercial Queueing Network Analysis Package, and he developed the FLEXSIM Flexible Manufacturing System Simulator, the SYCOMORE multiprocessor switch and the XANTHOS fibre optics LAN. He was awarded "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the University of Liege (Belgium), Universita' di Roma II (Italy), and Bogazici University (Istanbul), and received the "In Memoriam Dennis Gabor Award" of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2013), the ACM SIGMETRICS Life-Time Achievement Award and the Grand Prix France Telecom (French Academy of Sciences). In 2020 he was elected to the first class of IFIP Fellows, one of only two (with Sir Tony Hoare) from the UK. He has been PI or Co-PI of over £70M in research grants and is Coordinator or Principal Investigator of several H2020 and FP Projects including (H2020 SDK4ED, SerIoT, and IoTAC. Previous projects include FP PANACEA, NEMESYS, FIt4Green, DIESIS, CASCADAS, UK EPSRC SAN, Aladdin, ECROPS, H2020 GHOST and KONFIDO)